Basecamp IJmuiden
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
4-2004 until 200 people
Capital C
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
17 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-4002 until 400 people
Abel. Grand Café Restaurant
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
11 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-25001 until 2500 people
het Rijk van de Keizer
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
8 spaces person_pinCapacity
4-6504 until 650 people
Fokker Terminal
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
20 spaces person_pinCapacity
150-1000150 until 1000 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
3 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-342 until 34 people
CupolaXS in de Haarlemse Koepel
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-10002 until 1000 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
10-47510 until 475 people
De Waterkroon
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
9 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-35015 until 350 people
VIEW Almere
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-3505 until 350 people
EM2 Venue
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-95020 until 950 people
UP Events
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
9 spaces person_pinCapacity
10-500010 until 5000 people