De Polderij
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-701 until 70 people
Social Impact Factory Kauwgomballenfabriek
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-1501 until 150 people
Brouwerij vandeStreek
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
2 spaces person_pinCapacity
10-15010 until 150 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
3 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-342 until 34 people
VIEW Almere
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
5-3505 until 350 people
Hart van Holland Nijkerk
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
100-3000100 until 3000 people
De Waterkroon
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
9 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-35015 until 350 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
5 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-2501 until 250 people
EM2 Venue
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-95020 until 950 people
Châteauhotel en -restaurant De Havixhorst
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
19 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-3002 until 300 people
Willem Twee muziek en beeldende kunst
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
10 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-5002 until 500 people
De Patronage
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
25-40025 until 400 people