Abel. Grand Café Restaurant
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
11 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-25001 until 2500 people
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
2-1202 until 120 people
Plein 7
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
5 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-3001 until 300 people
1NUL8 Basement
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
1 space person_pinCapacity
1-2251 until 225 people
Crazy Pianos
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
3 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-8001 until 800 people
Brasserie Park
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
12-30012 until 300 people
The Streetfood Club Breda
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
6 spaces person_pinCapacity
1-6001 until 600 people
Station Bergweg
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
2 spaces person_pinCapacity
15-40015 until 400 people
Restaurant Aan Zee
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
2 spaces person_pinCapacity
25-13025 until 130 people
Restaurant I-Dock
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
20-19020 until 190 people
Restaurant Duinhoek
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
Up to 175 people Grand Café De Lichttoren
meeting_roomAmount of spaces
4 spaces person_pinCapacity
10-200010 until 2000 people